Early Openers and Last Closers

Best practice is for early openers and last closers to always come and go from the premises as a buddy team. Even if this is your current policy, there will be  instances where someone will arrive first or leave last alone. If so here are some tips to keep in mind. Ideally, the parking closest … Continued

When Shots Are Fired

Bullet Blocker®  is a company we were recently introduced to. We hear about shootings at the workplace, schools and on college campuses so often that we actually habituate to this flow of disturbing news. Bullet Blocker® has actually done something so simple that it is really ingenious. They have incorporated bullet resistant linings into products … Continued

Home Security- The Repairman is Scheduled

At some point in time we all need to allow a repairman or contractor into our homes whether it is to tend to a cable issue with the TV, plumbing or to fix an appliance. What are some of the strategies we can put in place that leave us in control of the visit and … Continued

Student Safety: Want to host your own workshop?

The majority our student safety workshops for Women at School and Men At School are privately hosted. We always customize content to best suit your needs. Here’s how we go about it and we try and keep it simple: Give us some dates and times that work for you. Most classes are held on weekday … Continued

Travel Safety Tips

Road Trips: If you are driving, be sure that all five tires are in good repair. Bring extra food, water and blankets in case a break down or weather keeps you from your destination. A flashlight, tow strap, first aid kit and fire extinguisher should be stowed in the trunk. Keep the tank more than half … Continued