Safety Training for Parents with Very Young Children

While couch surfing one recent lazy Sunday afternoon , I flipped the channel to MSNBC. It was the top of the hour a show on sexual predators had just begun and it was not “To Catch a Predator” hosted by Chris Hansen This show focused on the sexual abuse of very young children. The show … Continued

GPS. Don’t make it easy for the bad guys to find your home!!

The FBI reports that GPS theft from vehicles shot up 700% between 2006 and 2007 Theft Prevention: Use the suction-cup windshield mount instead of the permanent base that adheres to the glass or dash which lets everyone know you have a GPS. A friction mount is also an option.(Looks like a bean bag that sits … Continued

“Express Kidnappings”- No just a Third World Problem!

When we hear of a kidnapping we usually think of it in the context of extortion for some type of ransom. Politically, a kidnapping may take place in an attempt to gain leverage over a government or state entity. But what is an “express kidnapping” and why are we hearing that term more often of … Continued

Threats, Situational Awareness and Perspective- From Stratfor

With permission from By Fred Burton and Scott Stewart In last week’s Terrorism Intelligence Report, we said U.S. counter terrorism sources remain concerned an attack will occur on U.S. soil in the next few weeks. Although we are skeptical of these reports, al Qaeda and other jihadists do retain the ability and the burning … Continued

Workplace Violence; Myths and Mitigagtion- From Stratfor

Posted with permission from Stratfor. By Fred Burton and Scott Stewart November 26th, 2008 As the global financial crisis grinds on, it is doing more than generating foreclosures, bankruptcies and losses in the financial markets: It also means people are losing their jobs as many companies cut back on staff in an attempt to … Continued