Women’s Personal Safety on Campus

Young women, aged 18-24, attending college, are 3 times more likely to be sexually assaulted or raped than the general population. According to RAINN, 23.1 percent of female students experience rape or sexual assault via physical force, violence, or being incapacitated. That’s a little over one in 5 young women … and those are only the … Continued

Women’s Personal Safety and Male-Encoded Language

The Department of Justice  – and common sense – tells us that gender-based violence and harassment is predominantly committed by men against women or non-binary persons. Bearing in mind that every situation is different, the importance of using your best judgement in the moment, and keeping women’s personal safety at the forefront, learning to use “male-encoded … Continued

Front Desk Professionals Personal Safety Awareness Training

How many times have you heard, “I just cover the front desk at my job.” Please stop describing yourselves this way.  You are professionals who have a lot more responsibilities and tasks than meet the eye. In the hospitality industry, you are the name and face of the brand you represent. In business settings, you … Continued

My Heart Bleeds: What you need to know about Heartbleed

Guest Blog Entry By Christopher Burgess, CEO Prevendra Heartbleed, is the name given to the bug which was found within the OpenSSL and has rendered many of our individual passwords compromised. The situation has been making the news over the past few weeks since the bug was discovered in late March and the patch put … Continued