Online Safety and Social Media Security Awareness

Our Predictability as a Vulnerability Social media safety and security are a growing concern. As more people engage in social media the amount of information being shared in relatively open forums continues to grow. Best practice is to post information and photos after an event rather than letting people know where you will be or … Continued

Am I being followed by that vehicle?

The key point to remember is that you are much safer in a moving vehicle, even a slow moving vehicle, than when in or around a stationary vehicle.  So if you think you are being followed keep moving and consider the following strategies. If you are able to, make three left (or three right) turns … Continued

Home Invasions. Make Your home A Harder Target

  Psychologically we are able to fathom a cagey burglar breaking in and stealing something when he knows we are not home. The notion that two or more criminals would burst in and invade when they know we are home is chilling. This is not just a property crime. Home invasions include a display of … Continued

Missed Opportunities with Red Flags and Warning Signs

Missed Opportunities with Red Flags and Warning Signs We want to thank Rick Shaw, founder and CEO of Awareity for providing this timely guest blog entry. Already in 2011, tragedies in Tucson and Omaha have reminded each of us about the consequences of missed opportunities involving red flags and warning signs.  Lives were lost and … Continued

Safety in Elevators. Awareness & Reading Body Language Save the Day

This story was told to me by an executive when the topic of elevators and personal safety came up. She states her daughter was riding in an elevator with her on the way to their room on the 5th floor of their hotel.  An ordinary-looking young man entered the elevator when it stopped on the … Continued