Partner Violence as a Workplace Issue. Some Stats, Facts & Policy Suggestions

We want to thank Kim Wells,  Executive Director of The Corporate Alliance to End Partner Violence for providing us with this informative blog entry. The Corporate Alliance to End Partner Violence  is a national nonprofit organization founded by businesses with a mission to address domestic violence as a workplace issue. Below are some very sobering … Continued

Holiday Shopping. Some Personal Safety Tips

Holiday Shopping  Personal Safety Tips The days are getting shorter and with the holiday shopping season upon us, we will head to the mall to purchase gifts for our friends and loved ones. Others make their way there too, but with a far different agenda. Even in good economic times, it is well known that … Continued

School Is In. A Safety Review for your Children.

(As written for Evergreen Safety Council, Seattle WA) The summer is almost over and as our children  go back to school, this is a good time to review some safety ground rules with them. Communications: Any safety plan is only as good as its communications plan. This should include having your children call or text … Continued

You are not Paranoid. You are in “Condition Yellow”

I wrote this blog entry some time ago. I did so because so many people that tell me they get accused of being paranoid when in fact they are merely practicing good awareness of their surroundings. The accuser? Usually someone they know well. Given the continued frustration over this, I thought I would re-post below. … Continued