What is the Washington State Fusion Center?

I recently attended a meeting hosted by law enforcement in the Puget Sound area.  An officer from the Seattle Police Department delivered an informative and invaluable presentation on the Washington State Fusion Center. What is the Washington State Fusion Center? In their words “The WSFC supports activities to detect, deter and prevent terrorism”  WSFC has … Continued

3 Simple Travel Safety Strategies for Spring Break

Communications ”“ Cover Your Six ”“ Buddy Up = “CCB” Spring break is here & for those of us with children, the thought of them going on vacation without us is often anxiety provoking.  Believing “less is more”, I have given my daughters three easy- to -remember strategies. Communication Strategy- Parents and children should always … Continued

Your Keys as a Weapon? Perhaps. But Your Mind is Your Best Weapon!

We always show this image during training and ask the group what they think is relevant about the keys in the woman’s right hand. Keys as a weapon– Almost always the attendee’s comments are about the keys as a weapon.  Not a bad answer given all the sound bites we hear on being prepared to … Continued

Shots fired in the building. A Gunman on the Loose!

Within ten days of presenting on this topic at a safety conference, I awoke to read about the senseless slaughter of thirteen at Fort Hood, a story which dominated the news for some time. It is worth pointing out that on the day  of that massacre, an apparently disgruntled ex employee  walked  into the building … Continued